What does it mean to you, to be a man in the 21st century?

To find your purpose and to complete it.

What do you think is your role in society?

Transforming mindsets to think\move further and faster.

What influences your dress/fashion sense?

Myself. The man in the mirror. My energy, my surroundings \ environment and everything that makes me, me and that is to be completely expressive.

What role do women play in your life?

A role of comfort, understanding, regeneration, pure happiness, support and calmness.

What’s the hardest part of being the man that you are?

Being misunderstood because of the truth I possess.

What is the one message you would leave your child/next generation about being a man?

All you have is your words. Everything else is irrelevant. Know yourself, know your words and then walk in them.

What are your thoughts about culture/religion or both?

They are irrelevant. They slow down the process of one finding themselves.
About the interviewee

A man that has established his own vision and has done everything he said he will.
