What does it mean to you, to be a man in the 21st century?

I have a lot of more complex ideologies to navigate and disrupt to influence for the future of men in society

What do you think is your role in society?

To manifest my experiences and knowledge into simplifying the future of the black child primarily, then the rest of the world’s children

What influences your dress/fashion sense?

Comfort, colour and intrigue through simplicity and confidence

What role do women play in your life?

Women are influencers and co-creators of my outlook and outputs

What’s the hardest part of being the man that you are?

Being consistent in balancing expectation, expression, ego, creativity and uncommonness

What is the one message you would leave your child/next generation about being a man?

Be your feeling before you are what the world will title you.

What are your thoughts about culture/religion or both?

Culture for the biggest part should always be open to change and through tradition, execute these changes without fear. Religion has held this back – humans were always going to evolve, religion doesn’t.
About the interviewee

Typical human being and no greater than another, however, typically show signs of higher ego / complex and I think because of my creative and visionary ability. Highly optimistic and idealistic. Sensitive and emotional. I hope to navigate life with the ability to control and balance all my strengths and challenges. I wish to be wise and impart this through my work and passions
